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Where do your donations go? (Easter edition)

Thank you so much to everyone who has been gracious enough to donate this past Easter holiday season and to those who are continuing to donate for our upcoming summer camp!

We wanted you to see through this blog post where your donations have been going!

This past Easter we have been able to deliver 387 baskets, lunches and hygiene bags to kids in need!

To fill up the baskets we were also donated many accessories like JoJo sunglasses, nail polish, stuffed animals, building blocks, Hot Wheels, and more!

We also had our very own Easter Bunny in our Big Island location. While we weren't able to have our Easter party due to the rain, we still were able to pull off the event with a drive by pick up!

The memories these build for the children for these events are priceless and we thank the community again for making this possible!

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