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Sponsor a Keiki 

Santa's Love

Project Hawai’i, Inc. will be sponsoring over 1,500 across the 3 islands of Hawai'i.

We need you to help fill Santa's Sleigh.

Bring Joy and Hope to Hawai'i’s Homeless Keiki This Holiday Season!"

This is your chance to make sure every child we serve experiences the warmth, joy, and magic of the holidays.

Each year, we’re honored to sponsor children across three islands, yet only one-third receive a Secret Santa. Sadly, our teens are often the most overlooked, with only 10% typically receiving support.

Together, we can change that.

With your help, our team will shop for each child’s Christmas wish and ensure they receive the holiday support they deserve. Please select a level of support that speaks to your heart, and join us in making this season unforgettable for Hawai'i’s precious keiki.

homeless child on christmas morning after santa arrives with Project Hawai’i, Inc.

Full Sponsorship $125.

  • Holiday Wishes

  • Stocking

  • Outfit/Shoes

  • Santa Hygiene Bag

  • Holiday Meal

homeless teens christmas with Project Hawai’i, Inc. helping homeless keiki

Full Sponsorship: $140.

  • Gift Card for them to shop 

  • Stocking (teens stockings are backpacks)

  • Santa Hygiene Bag

  • Holiday Meal

companies give back to homeless children with Project Hawai’i, Inc.

Become a Secret Santa Coordinator

This position is great for those who work with the public, in groups or clubs. You will be assigned 25 children to have sponsored. Email us for more details

Donations can also be mailed to Project Hawai’i, Inc. to help save the fees.
Project Hawai’i, Inc. P.O. Box 1844, Kea'au, Hi 96749

Project Hawai’i, Inc. Children's Charity in Hawai'i Helping Homeless Keiki succeed

501 (c) 3 Nonprofit 32-0308897

Enhancing the lives of homeless and poverty stricken keiki

Locations: O'ahu, Maui and Big Island of Hawai'i

Main Mailing Address: Project Hawai’i, Inc. P.O. Box 1844, Kea'au, HI 96749-1844 ~United States

Dormitory: Kea'au on Big Island

Transitional Housing: Big Island and O'ahu


All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2003-2025

Please contact us for use of content or photos./All rights reserved

charitywatch-top-rated- charity Project Hawai’i, Inc.
Hawaii Children's Charity. Nonprofit in Hawaii to help homeless children succeed

© 2003-2025 by Project Hawai’i, Inc. |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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