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Christmas Decorations

Project Hawai’i, Inc. will be sponsoring over 1,600 homeless children across the islands of Maui, O'ahu and the Big Island. Stockings are a vital part of the over all success of proving Christmas Cheer to a homeless child.

Fill a Stocking


Stockings keeps to our mission and goals to provide care over the long winter break .

Stockings include art products, brain building games, their favorites like bubbles and kites along with healthy snacks.

Since many keiki will go days without a meal and teens will go without basic life needs, these stockings provide the support they deserve.

Your Kokua:

A sponsorship of $15 provides a stocking for each child, $7. provides a meal card for their stocking to assure they have a hot meal when needed most and $10. provides a gift card for teens to purchase most needed hygiene supplies.

Child's Stocking


Teen's Stocking


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Christmas Ornaments

Host a Stocking Collection/


Your group will be given a list of needed items and be assigned a min. of 24 stockings to sponsor.

We provide you with supportive materials:

  1. A flier with list of items

  2. A webpage for online donations

  3. Sponsorship tags

Christmas Ornaments

Fill a Stocking

Please use the link below to sign up for the most needed items for Each Island.

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